Our Stuff
We focus on three things only; trading, managing financial data, and data distribution. Through years of experience with both trading and as users of data we understand the challenges these can pose within an organization. Our systems provide out of the box, plug-in solutions which easily integrate into existing frameworks, or work as stand-alone systems for those seeking cost effective, easy to implement trading or data management solutions.
Core Products
intelliTrade OMS
Our AMS/OMS trading platform. Powerful, fast, secure, yet flexible and infinitely scalable it has become the reference for trading systems in the local market. Joshua can handle all trading needs, from individual traders to complex organizational structures and automated trading models.
Our customers have said it’s “like Apple TV for financial data”. Seamlessly connect all organizational data sources through one easy to administer enterprise data hub. IntelliHub facilitates centralized data management and distribution across multiple users and locations. Supports Open Banking (AIS and TPP). Manage organizational data usage, control cost, simplify access.
intelliData Store
Data dissemination and commercialization made easy. Proprietary data is a valuable asset and staying on top of who’s using it and how is becoming increasingly important. IntelliData Store is a simple yet effective solution for launching automated access to data and can handle the processes associated with distribution and/or commercialization. IntelliData Store facilitates making your data available while ensuring you stay in complete control.
intelliSurveillance Service
A surveillance service which allows users to monitor and control trading, product/portfolio management, and account related activities via a simple web application. Users can not only define rules, which generate surveillance alerts and related reports, but also handle the alert life cycles (alert resolution). IntelliSurveillance can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure and workflows via standard APIs or implemented using our proprietary OMS/AMS and/or data management solutions.