Use Case: Data Store
To keep pace with growing demand for and the logistics of supporting and maintaining control of the Exchange’s data, Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) have automated their data subscription and dissemination services. Recently launching TASE Data Hub the platform provides B2B connectivity facilitating distribution of TASE data to a broad range of market participants globally. In implementing Data Hub, TASE have partnered with IntelliTrade as an official data vendor while using our IntelliData Store infrastructure to manage dissemination of their proprietary exchange data in an enhanced and robust fashion suited for all types of data subscribers (retail, low latency).
Challenges prior to IntelliData Store:
Data Normalization – data distribution fragmented, using various different APIs and data sets.
Reach of B2B was limited to data vendors or in house software.
Limited APIs not used for real time data (only for polling on a scheduled basis).
Challenges with historic and tick data distribution.
Scalability issues.
IntelliData Store benefits:
Data is normalized and easier to access.
Data plan admin station and user management & permissioning (e.g commercials).
RTD client enables different types of users (even legal and finance departments).
Entire set of APIs which suit all types of users including real time and high frequency.
Scalable and distributed architecture.